Saturday, 26 January 2008


My lovely friend Hani needed a new headshot for her work ID so I persuaded her to do a spot of modelling for me! The first image is her ID shot the others are just for fun. Hani is an Equine Vet, beautiful and talented - don't you just hate her! Acutally no, I love her to bits and wish I saw more of her.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Happy New Year

Self Portrait!
My beautiful boy.

OK so I know it's a bit late to be saying Happy New Year but it's the first time I've blogged this year so there you go.

I had to take a picture of myself for a photography group that I belong to based in the US (check it out via and so sat in my kitchen trying to get the window light on a particularly gloomy day with my camera at arms length. After a bit of photoshop massaging this is the one I am happiest with. The picture of Angus is just cos I love him.

As this is really the down time in a photographers season I'm going to set myself a project to photograph something a bit obscure to try and stretch myself. As we have a proliferation of electricity pylons in Essex I'm going to try and make them look beautiful. Please if you have any suggestions let me know.