Saturday, 8 March 2008

Show Album

Album design

Thought I would show you a copy of my Show Album for this season. I have just sent off the order 'real thing' but hopefully this gives and idea of the designs I use.

Can I just say a HUGE thanks to my mate Stewart Randall, a talented wedding photographer himself, who did all the techy stuff allowing me to post this slideshow. There's not enough room in my brain for the technical stuff it's too full of shoes and chocolate!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Before & After!

I thought I would take a moment to show you how the professional photographer can 'massage' an image to make their clients look their absolute best.

The image on the left is straight out of the camera. The image on the right has had a skin smoothing technique used on it as well as the colours and contrast boosted for best effect. I use these techniques to greater or lesser extent on my clients images and I believe it makes the difference from a great to an outstanding photograph, subtle yet significant changes.

Monday, 3 March 2008


Gill looking great at 18+32 years experience!
I have just come back from a couple of days in Italy. It was a surprise visit for my friend Gill who reached a milestone birthday on Thursday 28th. Karen, Bruce and I flew out to Perugia on Wednesday and were waiting in her living room when she got home from the school run. She was shocked and very pleased to see us and we had a great couple of days. Gill and Adrian are currently renovating a house and some holiday lets near to Multipulchiano and the last time Bruce and I saw it there was no roof and it was really difficult to get a perspective on how big it would be. They are about 6 weeks away from moving in now and expect to have their first guests this summer. All I can say is WOW. It is gorgeous, even in its semi finished state. Adrian is planning on running courses there over the winter, he is a very accomplished runner, and we even talked about some photography sessions. Any artists looking for an inspiring retreat need look no further.
Hope you had a great time in Venice Gill and we'll be over again before you know it!