Saturday 22 December 2007

Seasons Greetings

Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I still have errands to run myself with frames to collect and deliver and all my own wrapping (and still some buying to do).

I would like to thank all my clients over the past year together with my family and friends for their support. A special thanks to Stu C, you are a dude!

I'm looking forward to 2008 both personally and professionally with changes coming to my branding, website and blog included.

Love Jo x

Monday 17 December 2007

The Pet Clinic

As you may be aware readers I have a thing for animals so when the team at House & Jackson's new venture 'The Pet Clinic' asked me to photograph the pets of some new clients I was happy to oblige. They weren't too wriggly, although the cats were not generally impressed but let's face it they never are!

Friday 14 December 2007

Bill & Monty

I am so very proud of my children today. Little Monty (Arrow in previous pics) was the last of our puppies left and we had taken the decision to keep him, named him Buddy and had an official love in to welcome him to the Pearce clan. The very next day I received a call from Bill's wife Barbara asking if they could have the puppy. Bill lost his own dog about 6 weeks ago and I had asked him if he wanted a puppy but he declined, saying that at his age it was too much work and too soon after Mo going.
Bill is very special to us as a family, he is a kind of surrogate grandad. He looks after my dogs if I'm going to be out all day, picks my kids up from school when I'm stuck and has done other odd jobs over the years too numerous to mention. My parents live too far away to help at short notice and Bill is always there when I call.
We never planned to keep a puppy from this litter but as soon as the switch was flicked in our brains that 'Buddy' was staying with us it was heartbreaking to think about giving him up. After the initial tears and slammed doors, we sat down and had a talk about how we felt and how Bill and Barbara felt and what was most important to us. I knew it had to be a family (for that read childrens)decision and they didn't let me down. After 10 minutes we got in the car with the puppy drove to Bill's house and delivered his boy to him. Later that night when Angus was going to bed he said 'We did a good thing today didn't we.' Talk about setting me off again! I'm so proud of both Billie and Angus for being so grown up.
As you can see from the picture Bill and Monty are very happy together and we are very happy about that!

Monday 26 November 2007

Boys will be boys!

I had a great time with these guys, charming, well behaved and gorgeous - my type of client!

Even the best behaved kids need to let off steam and a trampoline is a great way to do that. Things started to deteriorate into WWF wrestling though and so I left them to it.

Wednesday 14 November 2007


Look at that face - she's not impressed.

This is my youngest subject ever - fact! At just 10 days old she was surprisingly co-operative, well when she was full up that is. I am set to document her growth over the next year and am delighted to be doing so.

Ahh, thankfully I'm not feeling the slightest bit broody - honest!

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Amy & Rob

I wish I could say we were in California in the autumn sunshine but then there would have been no need for the coats! Also as Amy pointed out they probably would have been called Mindy and Brad and not looked quite so pasty - her words not mine. I think they look great and make a very fine couple and how unusual to be able to find a vineyard in deepest Essex in which to have a shoot anyway.

Wednesday 31 October 2007

And They Said It Would Never Last!

20 years ago today Mr P and I said I do. The witch was a present from my mother for Bruce and I think she's aged well.
Happy Anniversary hub x

Let me Introduce to You

And lastly mum Molly and the feeding frenzy. All of their eyes are open now and they are starting to heave their huge tums off the floor. In a week or so they'll be really interactive and I know I won't get a thing done!

Saturday 20 October 2007

Baby baby

This gorgeous little girl was such a good model, such beautiful eyes and, considering she is only 10 weeks old, there were no tears or tantrums. Note to self for next time though, don't believe the mum when she says she won't pee - luckily for me it was on her sofa and she laughed as much as I did!

Sleepless Nights

We have 4 new additions to the Pearce household and although I am not their mum, or their Grandma as my kids keep insisting, I am suffering from a bit of sleep deprivation. I have been a bit lazy on the posting front because of this, I have however just done a fab baby shoot and will post on that later this week. Back to check on the babies now - they are such a good waste of time!

Saturday 29 September 2007

My Little Brother

Some little brothers are annoying, this one is just plain cute! I was driving my own kids to school past this field everyday when I got a call asking for a shoot in a field of linseed (small blue flowers) and of course not only were they not in bloom they were also no longer subsidised by the government and so off most farmers planting schedule - ooo get me I should be on Country File! Anyway poppies in a field of rapeseed to the rescue. The thing about being a photographer is that every view is a potential backdrop!

Tuesday 18 September 2007


When you are a photographer and your kids are nagging you to take some new pictures of them you really don't have any excuse!

Urbane Incidentals

Last Friday saw me in varies fields in the local area shooting bags! The brief was to get shots that would be different from your average accessories shoot and I think I succeeded, even getting the local farmer in on the act with his tractor as an accessory to the bags
Some of the range is based on the camoflage colours of the Indian Army and are great to photograph. When Urban Incidentals goes live I'll let you know. Thanks to Stuart and Rick for the commission.

Saturday 25 August 2007

Anna & Jon

The Reid Rooms in Chelmsford were the gorgeous setting for the marriage of Anna & Jon. It was a real treat for me as I got to snaffle some food and drink which was very welcome and delicious! Congratulations to the happy couple, it was a very emotional day with great speeches that had me fighting back a tear or two - not a good look for the photographer.