Thursday 15 May 2008


Sorry no bloggy for a while but I've been sorting out my new site and new blog.

The site address remains the same

The new blog address is:

Please divert all your attention to my new blogging home and I promise to blog more often!!!!

Friday 11 April 2008

Baby Model

I was called in for a lightning speed shoot so that this young lady could have some new images for her portfolio! Ok a bit of an exaggeration but watch this space this baby is going places, I'm hoping she'll be a real diva and insist on working only with me.

Saturday 8 March 2008

Show Album

Album design

Thought I would show you a copy of my Show Album for this season. I have just sent off the order 'real thing' but hopefully this gives and idea of the designs I use.

Can I just say a HUGE thanks to my mate Stewart Randall, a talented wedding photographer himself, who did all the techy stuff allowing me to post this slideshow. There's not enough room in my brain for the technical stuff it's too full of shoes and chocolate!

Friday 7 March 2008

Before & After!

I thought I would take a moment to show you how the professional photographer can 'massage' an image to make their clients look their absolute best.

The image on the left is straight out of the camera. The image on the right has had a skin smoothing technique used on it as well as the colours and contrast boosted for best effect. I use these techniques to greater or lesser extent on my clients images and I believe it makes the difference from a great to an outstanding photograph, subtle yet significant changes.

Monday 3 March 2008


Gill looking great at 18+32 years experience!
I have just come back from a couple of days in Italy. It was a surprise visit for my friend Gill who reached a milestone birthday on Thursday 28th. Karen, Bruce and I flew out to Perugia on Wednesday and were waiting in her living room when she got home from the school run. She was shocked and very pleased to see us and we had a great couple of days. Gill and Adrian are currently renovating a house and some holiday lets near to Multipulchiano and the last time Bruce and I saw it there was no roof and it was really difficult to get a perspective on how big it would be. They are about 6 weeks away from moving in now and expect to have their first guests this summer. All I can say is WOW. It is gorgeous, even in its semi finished state. Adrian is planning on running courses there over the winter, he is a very accomplished runner, and we even talked about some photography sessions. Any artists looking for an inspiring retreat need look no further.
Hope you had a great time in Venice Gill and we'll be over again before you know it!

Thursday 21 February 2008


As promised here are the rest of the images from my shoot with Billie - all that watching Americas Next Top Model has paid off!!! (She'll kill me for that comment).

Wednesday 13 February 2008


I like it when clients are specific - mum and dad knew what they wanted and where they wanted it to go! Good job they had such photogenic children.

Monday 11 February 2008

South Woodham Ferrers Rugby Under 11's

PK's knees!
Alex kicking
Ahh - my baby is in the middle of that scrum!

I don't venture out on Sunday mornings very often but this Sunday was so gorgeous I thought I'd go and watch Angus and his team play. Hard as it is I have to try and resist the urge to batter the big boy who has just tackled my baby then I find myself screaming at our team to put bigger tackles in! Come to think of it that's why Bruce wasn't keen on me watching when he played. I did enjoy it but don't expect to see me down there again this season.

Saturday 9 February 2008


Billie asked me for a picture of her for her BEBO site so we had an impromptu shoot. This is her fav so far. I will edit them tomorrow and post the best of the rest - she's growing up so fast.

Friday 8 February 2008


I can hardly believe it - early Feb and I have snowdrops in the garden. It's another gorgeous day today and after this I'm off to ride my neddy (Finn). I'm a bit of a fairweather rider wimping out when it's too wet or windy, or cold come to think of it! No excuses today.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Baby Mia

Baby Mia is going to be a work in progress! This was meant to be a family portrait but with both parents up til at least 3am the night before because Mia was teething neither felt up to appearing in front of the lense! Not wanting to come away totally empty handed I took a few shots most of which involved Mia's thumb in her mouth - I couldn't resist though because she is so gorgeous.

Saturday 26 January 2008


My lovely friend Hani needed a new headshot for her work ID so I persuaded her to do a spot of modelling for me! The first image is her ID shot the others are just for fun. Hani is an Equine Vet, beautiful and talented - don't you just hate her! Acutally no, I love her to bits and wish I saw more of her.

Friday 18 January 2008

Happy New Year

Self Portrait!
My beautiful boy.

OK so I know it's a bit late to be saying Happy New Year but it's the first time I've blogged this year so there you go.

I had to take a picture of myself for a photography group that I belong to based in the US (check it out via and so sat in my kitchen trying to get the window light on a particularly gloomy day with my camera at arms length. After a bit of photoshop massaging this is the one I am happiest with. The picture of Angus is just cos I love him.

As this is really the down time in a photographers season I'm going to set myself a project to photograph something a bit obscure to try and stretch myself. As we have a proliferation of electricity pylons in Essex I'm going to try and make them look beautiful. Please if you have any suggestions let me know.